πŸ€βŒ When you drop the ball on a project

by | mindset

Hello love!

Today I need to talk about an important thing that I know someone out there needs to hear:

On “Dropping the ball” on a project/biz goal

Yes, with quotation marks because it is a perceived situation.

Lemme explain… you know those times when you have an idea, a goal, something that you really want to do in your business but it just won’t come together?

Somewhere along the days, weeks, months or even years, you left it for when it is “right” or you kept trying it but it just doesn’t happen. Time passes and you feel like you dropped the ball on it.

Well… this week talking to a client I brought to her attention something beautiful that comes out of those {perceived} situations.

She came to me a year ago wanting to build a membership site. She wanted help with the technical pieces of it, design of the site and design of the program itself.

We got right on it and were all hand ons, steady working on developing it.

But as we were going through the motions, some resistance on launching that specific program was coming up for her. We dug in and did the inner + outer work needed to move through it.

Now, I know very well that pushing a client to do something they are not feeling anymore is not the route.
{Regardless of whichever marketing guru preaches out there about building certain systems and structures just because “that’s how it is”, won’t cut it over here.}

So we let things roll as they were unfolding for her and beautifully — new and different programs + courses started coming out of it. As a result some solid and stable streams of income that she LOVED creating were set in motion. {<< very important here — that she loved creating them!}

Yet throughout the process there was a time she mentioned the bit of guilt she felt for never completing the original project – the membership program. “Dropping the ball” on it, as she put.

We worked through that too, to release that guilt, since the idea of that program was the reason all the other ones were born anyway. {Really, each step we take helps us somehow even if we don’t see it in the moment.}

Fast forward to this week, we were brainstorming her next move and she felt the nudge to extend further one of the current programs to give her clients ongoing support. And she said: “you know, a membership kind of thing, where I can support them with this, this and that more regularly”

And so we defined the tasks to get it rolling.

I went to her site with the design of this “new” membership program in hand {on paper} and ready to transfer it to the screen.

And that’s when I see in the archived pages….

⭐️ THE membership program already there — designed, styled and all ready to go from when we first came up with the idea.

Meaning that original idea – from a year ago – that she wanted to implement but “dropped the ball” was just like that, easily and fluidly coming to life as the natural extension of her business.

She didn’t even realized it!

**I** even had forgotten about it!

All the pages, graphics and the techy pieces right there, ready to be made live just waiting for this moment!

Freaking excited seeing this full circle moment that just happened, I asked to hop on a call again so I could screenshare and show her the program already there.

But most importantly I wanted to acknowledge the beauty of trusting the process.

THAT membership program she was originally going for {and struggling to get on board with it} is now the one we are creating as a natural extension of the current live program that needed to be birthed BEFORE the membership!

And this time around, it all came through easy without the resistance from before.

Because now it was time. Now it all made sense in the big scheme of her business.

How mind-blowing is it when we trust our own flow, and let things unfold without “musts” or “shoulds”?{Answer: Very!}

The thing is, as cliche as it sounds, wherever is meant for us will be there. It will come back, it will knock on our door and ask for our attention from time to time until we are ready for it.

It might not come through the way we were thinking but the vision is there. It is ours and it is going nowhere.

You can’t miss what is meant for you.

Trust your own process
Talk soon,

Hey love! I’m Raine πŸ‘‹πŸΌ

Your Webdesigner + Marketing Secret Weapon.

Understanding the ins-n-outs of online businesses doesn’t need to be hard. Specially for creative and passion-lead service providers. I promise you that exactly because you believe so deeply in your work, is why online marketing, business strategies and the techy pieces of them get to be easy and a natural extension of your business.

Don’t believe me? Stick around and I’ll show you how! πŸ‘‡πŸΌ

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Every business owner should have a β€œRaine” in their life! She cares, she is efficient , and she delivers high quality work. "
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