πŸ¦πŸš€ Elon Musk, Twitter and You….. the tea!

by | marketing, mindset, strategy

Hellloooo, love!

In the last few days, since the news broke that Elon Musk purchased Twitter, the socials have been going crazy!

If you love the guy and are having a blast with the current #TwiterAllHands hashtag or if you despise the whole situation and have joined the #LeavingTwitter party, more than ever a sweet reminder that:

πŸ‘‰πŸΌ Social Media platforms have always and will continue to be run by other people {shocking, huh? πŸ˜€ } — meaning it is someone else’s business that we rely on to market our own business and publish our own content and, like it or not, they run it as they wish.

⭐️ There has never been a better time , to get your marketing systems in place {*ahem* your email list} and your content up and running on your own platform {*ahem* your website}

Not only for your own business purposes and growth but…

for your community!

They *want* to hear from you!


You see love, even your followers are expecting that.
They are counting on a way to keep hearing from you.

They finally found you, and want to learn from you regardless of what is going on with algorithms {which they have no idea about!} or the new business structure going on in whichever social media platform…. and it is on us, the service provider/business owner, to make it easy for them to access our content.

Relying on Social Media to stay connected to your community is not the way to go, love.

Social Media has *no* saying if and when your community gets to know about your latests.Β  You determine that.

Organic/paid reach, techy glitches, changes in terms & conditions, new CEOs, none of those are relevant to your community. They just want to connect with you, hear from you…..

Don't make your followers work so hard for it - make it easier for them: Get their email to send them direct updates and post content on your site.

They truly are counting on getting that content from you πŸ˜‰

Any questions, I’m on the other side of the screen ready to answer you!

Talk soon,

Hey love! I’m Raine πŸ‘‹πŸΌ

Your Webdesigner + Marketing Secret Weapon.

Understanding the ins-n-outs of online businesses doesn’t need to be hard. Specially for creative and passion-lead service providers. I promise you that exactly because you believe so deeply in your work, is why online marketing, business strategies and the techy pieces of them get to be easy and a natural extension of your business.

Don’t believe me? Stick around and I’ll show you how! πŸ‘‡πŸΌ

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