The other day helping a client with her sales page, we started talking about one of the biggest myths that have built up around it in the last decade.
Which is…
Sales Pages are supposed to be super long!
Now, I’m not one to go for “supposed to”s, “must”s or “should”s in any way, shape or form. I could throw this perceived truth right off the bat just for that.
Having said that however…
👉🏼 Are there reasons that things have been done in a certain way by multiple people over time?
👉🏼 Can those reasons also apply to us?
👉🏼 Can those reasons NOT apply to us at all?
also yes.
As usual you are the one to decide and define what works best for you. Because we’ve already released that “guru’s-set-in-stone-it’s-my-way-only-otherwise-you-are-doomed” kind of mentality that was so prevalent a few years ago in the online business world, right?
YOU know better, what is best for your business – always!
Now, having cleared that up, let’s see:
What's up with Sales Pages and their lengthiness. ⬇️
{psst – the kind of sales page I am talking about here are the ones tailored to products/courses/programs that do not require prior application or any type of individual assessment. Which excludes some service type sales pages}
ok, back to it.
Let’s imagine this:
👉🏼 There’s a discovery call with a potential client. You are there zoom-to-zoom, camera-to-camera, looking at each other’s face and having the dynamics of that juicy 1:1 conversation.
Your personality comes through, questions are being asked live, concerns are being addressed on the spot and all that good stuff.
Based on that specific interaction you guys will decide if the service and/or collaboration is a good fit or not for you both.
Now, in a sales page, this whole process above happens on a static page.
The prospect reads on the screen what you and the whole service are all about. There is no back-and-forth communication, no time for them to ask you questions, getting to know you and/or have an overall feel about you.
The same on your end.
You can’t see the person reading the sales page. You can’t tell where their attention is, if they are excited about the service or not. If they drifted away or if they are on the edge of their seats ready for the next paragraph. You don’t know who’s reading that page and about to hit the buy button. {One of those nightmare clients might be about to come through and you wouldn’t know 🤨}
The connection felt in a 1:1 call – from both ends – needs to be present right there in a cold static sales page.
Tricky, huh?
👉🏼 And that’s when all ways of conveying that same dynamic and connection of a discovery call, will come into play.
So we go all in expressing and unveiling the offer, the features, benefits, what they get out of it, how they will feel afterwards, etcetc,
Because when creating a sales page we have to always keep in mind that the main goal is to build a page that does the work for you. >> A PAGE that SELLS!
“Well, duh Raine” – I hear you say 🙂
It seems obvious, I know but if we keep this basic principle constantly in our minds, we can release the icky feeling that a sales page is supposed to be blabbing on and on about us, making it long with fillers and going in circles talking about our services, while scaring the shizz out of people saying that they will fail in life and in the afterlife if they don’t buy for us.
It is not that at all.
Like the discovery call, on your sales page, you are telling prospects all about the awesome solution you have for them and how they will be/feel transformed after working with you.
👉🏼 And since – I can’t stress this enough! – you can’t have the dynamic a 1:1 conversation has, the more information and addressing of concerns happening in the page, the better.
It will be easier for the prospect to make a decision. They won’t have to email or DM you to “check in on something”. The more you give them certainty that they are in the right place, the better! The more effective your Sales Page will be.
{or certainty that they are not in the right place! Remember that a good sales page also does filter out people who are not well suited for the service/product being sold}
And for all that to happen, as much as possible of information, clarity and confidence of how you can help needs to come through in a sales page.
👉🏼 Things get long that way?
Think about all the amount of good stuff you actually cover in a 20-30 mins discovery call! Translating that and making sense of it into written words on a page is a process!
👉🏼 Things get repetitive that way?
How many times do we revisit a concept in a discovery call in response to a question that is very similar from the one in the beginning because the prospect didn’t realize it’s the same thing, as they are still processing what you just said 3 mins ago?
How many times do we do that summary of all that was talked about at the end of the call? Always and consistently because we don’t just drop them hanging assuming things and trying to connect all the dots of what was covered, right?
So yes my love, Sales Pages can be and most likely will be lengthy.
Now, does your sales page HAVE to be long?
The point is to make clear what your service is and what is not, what you help them with and set the expectations right so neither of you have a heartbreak at end.
If you know that those points are covered and clear on your sales page with a few short paragraphs, you are good!
👉🏼 But I PROMISE you, without hesitation…. We THINK we are being extremely clear in our message and in the vast majority of cases we forget how much we already know, how much we are immersed in our own area of expertise and how much more {WAY more} hand-holding and breaking down into steps, a prospect needs to make a decision.
I PROMISE you that things aren’t obvious and crystal clear to them as they are to you.
A HUGE piece of the puzzle when selling our products and services is seeing things the way the prospects do. Stepping into THEIR shoes. Meeting them where they are at.
And that leads me right into — asking other people’s opinions when doing work in our businesses.
Of course that will be for a later post, because this one is way too long already.
If you read all the way till the end here…. I knew we belong together! 😍
Keep tuned for the next post, you will love it!
{Time permitting I’ll be back with it in a week.😉⏳}
Happy last week of October!
And as always, remember that if you need help with YOUR sales page my VIP Days are here for that. One day and we will get it tackled! >> Click here to book your VIP Day