πŸ“±πŸš« TikTok ban and your site – related? how?

by | marketing, strategy, websites

Have you been following all the happenings with TikTok? As in, the TikTok CEO in Congress today trying to save that potential ban in USA?

I’ll be bummed out if that goes through because even thou I’ve never used it for my own business, surprisingly enough I’ve learned a lot of from that platform, specially from social activists.

{I promised you love, if you have never been on the app or hadn’t logging in in a while those silly dances TikTok was know for have been long gone!}

Back to the point – those new creators and social activists I found…

I did notice quite a few of them starting the debate of the dreadful “now what?” if the app gets banned.

And I thought that was a good time to bring back the topic of…

🏑There is no place like home!

You online home there is.

That one online home where you can build and create the way you want, without any concerns that all the sweat and tears poured into it could be taken down out of the blue, you know?

Meaning: Your website.

There is no doubt that social media is an excellent tool to spread the word out there about our mission, work, and services.

But to rely on it as the *only* way for people to get to know you and interact with your content? By all means, no.

As we have seen time and time again — it’s not reliable in the slightest.

{Remember the Twitter melt down not that long ago? The one when Elon Musk took over?}

Those kind of changes will continue to happen and leaving our content at the mercy of other people’s business is not the way go.

πŸ‘‰πŸΌ Continually using and adapting to those platforms to keep bringing eyes to our content and services? Yes, always! It’s free marketing, why wouldn’t we use it?

πŸ‘‰πŸΌ But relying on them as the SOLE way to have our community learn from us? Again – no.

Always and forever remember :

πŸ“Your site is your own.

It can’t be taken from you. Years of content poured are safe and sound over there and can be highlighted, re-hashed, brought back to light fully or just pieces, in any way you like at any given moment. You are the one to define it.

AND if you are steady pouring content into it {your blog!}, it becomes a forever growing library of your own that when a any social media platform needs content, you can easily find it by browsing through your own library and get the content you need to post and repurpose.

Don’t neglect it! Your blog is a crucial and potent ally in your site that supports your business!

On the next post I cover how to actually make this work for you.

Stay tuned πŸ˜‰

Talk soon,

Hey love! I’m Raine πŸ‘‹πŸΌ

Your Webdesigner + Marketing Secret Weapon.

Understanding the ins-n-outs of online businesses doesn’t need to be hard. Specially for creative and passion-lead service providers. I promise you that exactly because you believe so deeply in your work, is why online marketing, business strategies and the techy pieces of them get to be easy and a natural extension of your business.

Don’t believe me? Stick around and I’ll show you how! πŸ‘‡πŸΌ


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